Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery 2015 (Act) – Statement

1 January 2024

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that The Media Shop has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

The Media Shop has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. The Media Shop expects the same from everyone it does business with and will not knowingly engage with any person or organisation suspected of being involved in modern slavery or human trafficking in any form.


Supply chain

As a media planning and buying provider, suppliers are predominantly based in the UK. They include but are not limited to:

  • Media /creative agency partners;
  • IT services and equipment providers;
  • facilities management and office suppliers


Policies and procedures

The Media Shop operates a number of internal policies that incorporate the values and objectives of the Act.. These include:


The Code of Business Conduct – The Media Shop is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity and upholding high standards to protect the interests of its employees, clients, stakeholders and communities in which they work.  All employees are required to behave consistently with the Code of Conduct.


Recruitment Policy – We operate a robust recruitment policy, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.


Supplier due diligence

We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to the highest standards of ethics. Suppliers are required to demonstrate that they provide safe working conditions where necessary, treat workers with dignity and respect, and act ethically and within the law in their use of labour. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they meet the standards of the code and improve their worker’s working conditions. Serious violations of the organisation’s supplier code of conduct will lead to the termination of the business relationship.



The Media Shop’s Managing Director communicates with all new starters about the need to be vigilant about The Media Shop’s obligations under the Act when procuring goods and services.


Measuring effectiveness in combating modern slavery and human trafficking

The effectiveness of the steps taken will be measured by key performance indicators (KPIs). The organisation will know the effectiveness of the steps they are taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place if: 

  • No instances are received from employees, the public or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery and human trafficking practices have been identified.



This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Act.  This statement constitutes The Media Shop’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement up to the date of publication of this Statement.

This statement will be reviewed and renewed in January 2025.